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Allianz Arena

Project duration
2015 – 2022

The stadium is alive.


Since the opening of the Allianz Arena in 2005, various changes have been made to the stadium and its associated surroundings. A variety of planners have worked on the plans and created new plans. In order to bring the as-built plans up to date and into a uniform form, the project of “plan cleaning and updating” was launched.


In the first sub-project, plan cleaning, the as-built plans (as of 2005) were cleaned up. The second step was the plan update consisting of documentation and on-site measurements as well as the merging and revision of digital architectural plans. Missing elements were drawn into the plans, superfluous elements were removed from the plans. A uniform file structure has been created that will serve as a template for all planners working with the plans in the future.

To ensure that the developed structure is adhered to by all planners, Companeer GmbH took over the issuance of existing plans and the integration of new designs through a specially created digital platform for plan management.

Our services

• Cleaning up the as-built plans
• Development of a layer logic
• Verification by measurements on site
• Plan update
• Control and integration of new plans
• Derive polygon plans for graphic purposes (e.g., for marketing and ticketing).
• Provide all plans as CAD files and PDFs.

Create and operate a digital platform for plan management with the following functions:

• Documentation and process instructions
• Provide all available drawings including a change history
• Collect feedback from users
• Roadmap für future changes of the drawings
• Notificate users when updated drawings are available

Contact & Imprint

Companeer GmbH Parkstr. 22 | 80339 Munich

Phone +49 (89) 21 55 10 31

© 2025 Companeer GmbH

Managing director:
Thomas Albinger
Commercial register:
Munich HRB 202961